Saturday, April 30, 2011

So then this happened...

Owen Davis Stewart came in to the world at 4:02am on Friday, April 29th. Mom had all the intensity of a typical labor -- just jam-packed into about 3 hours. At times she didn't think she could do it, but I knew she could. And of course, all that was an afterthought once we met the little man.

He was 36 weeks and 2 days in utero, which technically makes him premature. But he's 7 pounds, 4 ounces -- which is to say, a healthy-sized baby. (Mom is still terrified to think about delivery at 40 weeks.) He's also impressed all the staff around here with his instinct for breast-feeding, since that's especially challenging for premature babies.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

And we're back!

We just can't get enough of this place! Well, that's not true. Lara's water broke yesterday afternoon, so we find again find ourselves up at OHSU. At least there's a nice view...

Actually, we're feeling much better this trip. Understandably. We didn't feel ready for a baby last time and baby wasn't ready for the world. This time, baby is ready for the world, and we for him.

Also, as you can see by the belongings littered on the window sill, we came prepared this time. It's nice benefit that we know much of the staff and daily routines.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Sneak Peek

Here's a couple snapshots from an ultrasound a few weeks ago. Lara is contesting whether he has the Stewart (i.e., Shaw) nose which seemed so prominent in an earlier ultrasound. If you look closely, you can see he's sticking out his tongue in the second pic...

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Modified Bedrest"

I'm adjusting to life at home on modified bedrest.  It certainly is nice to have our pets providing around-the-clock unconditional love!  There are a million things I would like to be doing (especially in the nursery!) but I really am trying to be a good patient and taking it very easy.  Mom is here helping out, Sarah B. is always just a mile away and of course Paul is phenomenal, as always!

I mostly wanted to post to say THANK YOU to everyone for sending their love and support and good wishes.  And all the fun distractions - books and crafts and DVDs...  You're too kind!

It's a good sign if there are few posts right now, as that means Mr Little Man (aka BIL aka H'jenki) and I continue to do well.  We'll keep you aprised of any changes.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yes, that's Lara sitting on our front doorstep. This afternoon!

Lara and baby had seemingly-endless tests and monitoring this past week. The doctors at OHSU eventually had a change of heart because both baby and mom had consistently been doing so well. So, Lara was discharged today and will now be at home taking it VERY easy until our little one decides he's ready to come into the world.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

More bellies...

These are a couple months old, but they are too much fun to not post...for those that don't know, that's Lara's brother Brett and our brother-in-law John.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Let's just call him "advanced."  Our little man is weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz via ultrasound, about the size of a baby 2 weeks older than he really is.  He moves like a soccer player (lots of quick changes in direction and a he's perfected a solid chip shot to my liver) but he looks like a basketball.

34 weeks (Day 4 of hospitalization)

Fetal monitoring.  I get one of these every day.  He moves around so much I have to chase him with the heart rate monitor!

33 weeks & 5 days

Babies are supposed to bake for 40 weeks, but our little one decided he didn't really want to bake that long. Perhaps it's because his mother was getting a wee bit nervous by the widespread prediction that he would weigh 10 lbs by 40 weeks. So maybe he thought he was doing me a favor when I started having contractions 6 1/2 weeks early as I drove to work. And they weren't just those nice little early labor contractions - these suckers took my breath away. While driving. On the highway. At 60 mph. Long story short, mom was admitted to the hospital on April 11th with early labor and a touch o' the preeclampsia. And here I remain. Labor was successfully stopped, baby continues to do well, but there are enough odd things going on (elevated liver numbers in particular) that I get to make OHSU my home for a couple of weeks. I will remain here for close monitoring until either a) labor starts up again, which now we wouldn't try to stop, or b) May 4th, when he will technically be full term. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes. Please know that both mom & baby are doing well. And I get so many ultrasounds etc now that we've learned fun new facts about him, like that he's got lots of hair!

Pregnant pirate, circa 33 weeks