Sunday, May 4, 2014

This dentist is fun

Owen did great - I was so proud!

Preschool birthday

St James' "Little Bunnies" (they even have their own FB page) celebrated Owen's birthday on the actual day, a Tuesday

Birthday cupcakes

Chocolate with blue frosting at the birthday boy's request.

Warning: Screeching!

Chaotic toddler Halloween party with friends Ruth, Enzo and Grace.  Don't loose your scrub bottoms, Dr. Owen!

Go Red Sox!

A snippet from last season, but the sentiment stands.

Catch up time!

For anyone that hasn't given up on the blog, finally it pays off!
Children's Museum c. Oct 2013

Dr. Owen at Halloween

3yo stats

Weight 38 lbs
Height 37"

Thanks for taking good care of me, Dr Chris!