Monday, February 20, 2012

Warning: Do Not Look Directly At Son

Excessive cuteness may cause adults to drop what they are doing and rush to see baby Owen.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Green Tracksuit

In mint green, no less!

Papa Time

Nana & Papa visited these past few days. Owen took a few days off from day care and had some quality time with them.

International Man Of Mystery

Owen's Uncle John just came back from Thailand. He brought Owen a very stylish t-shirt.

Friday, February 3, 2012


A few short clips of Owen doing what he does best (i.e., pinning the needle on the cute-ometer)...

Saturday Stroll

Last Saturday, the weather in Portland was nice and dry. So, when Owen decided that he wanted to be cranky for no apparent reason, he and dad took a nice long walk around the neighborhood.

And of course, this is how it ended.