Friday, April 22, 2011

"Modified Bedrest"

I'm adjusting to life at home on modified bedrest.  It certainly is nice to have our pets providing around-the-clock unconditional love!  There are a million things I would like to be doing (especially in the nursery!) but I really am trying to be a good patient and taking it very easy.  Mom is here helping out, Sarah B. is always just a mile away and of course Paul is phenomenal, as always!

I mostly wanted to post to say THANK YOU to everyone for sending their love and support and good wishes.  And all the fun distractions - books and crafts and DVDs...  You're too kind!

It's a good sign if there are few posts right now, as that means Mr Little Man (aka BIL aka H'jenki) and I continue to do well.  We'll keep you aprised of any changes.

1 comment:

  1. The cats are providing around-the-clock unconditional love??? Watch out.
