Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Uncle Brett

Uncle Brett is back in town for Sarah and John's wedding.  He came by the other day to see his nephew and showed some impressive Owen communication skills.


Owen attended the housewarming party thrown by Tias Andrea and Haidee.  Here's a pic of Owen (in a rare stationary moment) with Grandpa.

And here, Owen is exploring one of the bedrooms...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The "Agouti" Walk

Paul's parents (Nana & Papa) spent a couple of weekends with us recently to help out and visit with the busy little man.  They captured an adorable instance of Owen's "agouti" walk, as Grampa George has named it, while playing at the children's water fountain downtown.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Random Cuteness Part 1

Been too long since we have posted, so to borrow a phrase from another blog, here is some random cuteness!


Friday, August 10, 2012

Space Case

Last week Owen and Dad made their way up to the hospital to pick up Mom.  We ended up having dinner in the hospital cafeteria, where Owen had his first taste of tapioca.  He enjoyed it, but was pretty tired and therefore pretty distracted.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ice cream!

Father & son agree: bourbon toffee ice cream from What's The Scoop? is divine.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Montana -- Part V

I finally got the photos off of our real camera!
Owen's first time on horseback.

Montana was gentle with Owen.

Uncle Scott pretends to be a bad influence.

Lara, Owen, Maria, Montana and Whinny

Let the dogs back in, Auntie Ria!
(That's Oregon & Pepper)

Blueberries & kisses.

Sick Kid

A couple weeks back, Owen came down with a nasty little fever.  Nothing truly horrible, but he was pretty out of sorts for a couple days.  As sad as it is for a kid to be sick and feeling so awful, there is a slight silver lining for his parents -- it's really the only time outside of bedtime that he slows down and sits on your lap.  Here's a pic where Owen and I killed some time watching the Red Sox -- which these days makes Owen's dad feel a bit sick himself.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

15 months old

Dr Chris agrees that Owen is adorable, brilliant and healthy! :) His stats:

Weight 28 lbs, 4.5 oz (90th percentile)
Height 31.75 cm (75th)
Head 49.5 cm (95th)