Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Tias come to visit

Tia Andrea and Tia Haidee came by to say hi to their new nephew this weekend.

Andrea hadn't seen him since he was just a few hours old and Haidee met him for the first time.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

First bottle

Now that Owen is a month old (time flies!), we're going to try letting Mom get a little extra sleep by introducing a bottle.  Dad was pretty excited to get to experience the baby bliss that is feeding...

Nana & Papa, part II

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nana & Papa

Nana & Papa (i.e., Sue & Colin) got a chance to meet their first grandson this past week.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Family Portrait

(hopefully we can get one where I can smile sometime soon - I finally am starting to have a bit of recovery from my Bell's)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tummy Time!

I read somewhere that giving your infant some supervised "tummy time" is good for baby's development. Who knows if that's true, but it just sounds so exciting. TUMMY TIME!!!

Owen usually lies there for awhile, cooing contentedly. Eventually he gets peeved, which is when he musters the energy to lift his head and turn it the other direction.

Thanks Gramanita!

My mom came to help out this week.  Paul had to go back to work this past Monday (sad!) so Mom stayed with us for the week to lend a hand.  I'm not sure how I would have managed without her!

Owen really enjoyed quality time with his Grama.  Here he's wrapped in the blanket she crocheted for him.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Owen Face

He started doing this several days ago and we've started calling it the Owen face. As in "Ooooooooo-wen".

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crazy Baby Faces

These are a nice counterpoint to all the cuteness on the blog. (P.S. Tiani, I dedicate this post to you and your Pop.)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dr Chris Makes House Calls!

Our pediatrician runs a small solo practice.  All newborns have their first visit (at about 5 days old) in their home!  We thought it was pretty cool.

Checking strength & looking for sacral dimples.
(yes, this is a normal thing to do during a well child check...)
Dr Chris noted that Owen had a bit of jaundice, which is pretty normal.  But since he's technically a premie, we have to be extra vigilant.  She prescribed light therapy, so we've been stripping him down and chasing sun rays around the house.

First bath

We wanted to get our boy clean for his first doctor visit.  (Just sponge baths until next week.)  He wasn't a big fan, but overall he tolerated it quite well!

Sleepy Morning

If you've only seen Owen via pictures on the blog, you have not yet seen this little man's eyes. They are blue, though that may well change. He showed them off the other morning while waking up with his Dad. He's also sporting a lovely blanket that Gramanita knit for him.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To all the nay-sayers out there...

Yes, that is Smudge.  No, I don't fear for my son's life. :)

Many thanks

We are so very lucky to have had so much support from family and friends (both near and far) these last few months. Lara had plenty of visitors and thoughtful gifts during her "oops, not yet Owen" week in the hospital. Friends and co-workers of mine who'd never even met Lara offered all kinds of different help. My co-workers gave us literally dozens of baby shower gifts. Family from near and far pitched in to take care of our pets. And now that we're home, Lara's cousin is organizing a "meal wheel" -- where different friends and relatives bring us ready-to-eat meals each night.

So...thank you. What else can we say? Let these few pictures of family with Owen stand in for all of you who have made us feel so loved and supported.

from the top: Andrea Riner (a.k.a. Tia Andrea), Anita Davis (a.k.a. Gram Anita) and George Davis (a.k.a. Grampa George)

Monday, May 2, 2011

There's no place like home...

The doctors up at OHSU decided on Saturday afternoon that Mom and baby were both doing well enough to be discharged. It was, of course, great to get home and sleep in our own beds and get this whole "family" thing begun in earnest. But it was also encouraging that the doctors felt we were ready -- since Lara had a bit of rocky third trimester and Owen was technically premature.

Yesterday was a gorgeous day and we got outside a bit -- for the first time enjoying our new patio.